Rejection Therapy

Well, I have always thought of freeing myself from the pain of rejection and overcoming fear; fear of being rejected. This is the thing that keeps us away from asking. Give it a thought. Does it not keep you away from the possibility of a “yes”?? or may be you’re missing out on an opportunity that might bring about a vital change in your life. That is when I came across these terms Rejection Therapy. Yes, rejection can be therapeutic.

Many of the world’s successful people are the one’s who have experienced the most number of no’s. But this is not something that has kept them away from putting their ideas forward or from asking. The president of the USA was rejected by 40 millions which means, 40 million no’s. But, he is the same one who was accepted  later.

Let’s give it a try. Build up the gumption and ask five things everyday of which you are sure of being rejected for. It can be asking for a discount on your favorite dress though the tag reads fixed rate or may be wanting to customize your doughnut at the shop even if there is no such available scheme or may be asking a girl out. These everyday rejections will change your behavioral pattern and sooner or later will make you insensitive to rejection. These in some way or the other will keep adding to your confidence and may be sometime a “no” could be a blessing in disguise( Maybe rejection from a job made you start a successfully business). And you’ve also opened doors for the possibility of a yes. Just imagine that euphoria when you get a surprising yes!


Hope this was helpful. Let me know in the comments.

More in seeds


Published by Nida Khan


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