New Year’s Resolutions

Hi Guys!

Happy New Year!☺

It is that time when there is so much of positivity around. Everyone is in jovial mood. Before the Christmas celebrations could end, New Year celebrations have begun already. New beginnings excite everyone, don’t they?

 Every year I make resolutions to stick to. And every year it takes me not even a month to get back to my normal routine, forgetting all my resolutions😁. But, that doesn’t stop me from making resolutions😂.  So, this year these are the things I would be sticking to (or to say thinking of sticking to).

1. Read More : Okay, this is something I love doing. But, there are so many books lying in my shelf which I have been ignorant about. So, this year I have planned to give more time to reading. Read more. Learn more.

2. Spend less time on social media platforms : Most of the time I’m just scrolling through the feeds, doing nothing significant. It does consume a lot of my time. This year I’ll be spending less time on them.

3. Take chances : Opportunities come and go and the fear of failing stops us from taking those. So, this year I’ll take more of the chances and opportunities and learn more.

These are the 3 things I can think of. I hope this year is different and I’m able to stick to them.

So, what are your New Year resolutions? Let me know in the comments.

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  2. Rejection Therapy
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Published by Nida Khan


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